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St John's

Church of England Infant School

'Through Faith, Love, Kindness and Respect our Saint John's family will flourish and grow.'









your child did not wear uniform today

Dear Parents


We noticed that your child did not come to school in their uniform today as requested in a letter last week.


Just a polite reminder……we would like you send them into school on Mondays in their school uniform and put their PE kit in a bag for them to change into.


All of the children who did change in school today into their PE kits– coped brilliantly - and we are so proud of them for showing this independence.


The reception year curriculum requires children to be able to dress and undress themselves. We know that given time, each of our children will be able to do this and most schools stipulate this as standard practice throughout the country.


If you are concerned about your child changing in front of others, send them to school with their shorts/ leggings on underneath their dress/trousers and a vest top underneath their school shirt. This way, all they need to do is take off the top layer of their uniform, put a PE T-shirt and plimsolls on and they are ready to go!


Obviously, we have not spoken to your child about this matter as it was your decision as parent to send them into school as you did, however, we would like your child to feel part of our school family; to do what everybody else does and change along with everybody else.


If you would like to speak to a member of staff to discuss your reasons for not sending your child in to get changed along with their peers, please speak to your child’s teacher or myself and we may be able to set your

mind at rest.


Working together in a home - school partnership we all want the best for each child.



Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

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I am the vine and you are the branches

-John 15

