Our Special Needs Manager is Mrs Forgahni. She is Co Head of School here and at All Saints. If you have any concerns regarding the learning needs of your child - she is the lady to speak to. If she is not on site, phone the school office to book an appointment or send her an email - her address is under the 'contact us' tab on this website.
At St John's we are committed to high achievement for all, supporting pupils and families in ensuring all children have an entitlement to be educated alongside their peers in their local community.
Our strong Christian ethos is visible and apparent throughout the school; adults and pupils have a great deal of respect for each other and relationships are accepting and supportive.
As an inclusive community, we are committed to removing the barriers to learning ensuring equality of opportunity is a reality for all regardless of their social background, ethnicity, health or academic ability.
We strive to enable each and every one of our pupils to become a confident, secure, independent and resilient learner.