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St John's

Church of England Infant School

'Through Faith, Love, Kindness and Respect our Saint John's family will flourish and grow.'










Through faith, love, kindness and respect our St John's family will

flourish and grow




Subject Leader: Miss O'Reilly (Year 4 Class Teacher)

Welcome to the History subject page! If you have any questions, here is my email:





History forms part of our foundation subjects within our curriculum and is taught as part of our topic work. We strive to create a culture that is inclusive, engaging, and relevant to all pupils by delivering high-quality teaching, an ambitious, progressively sequenced, broad and balanced curriculum and opportunities for students to be curious about the past. Thus, students should be able to acquire a knowledge, love and understanding of history that enables them to achieve their best.


We provide a safe and supportive environment for all children to flourish in a range of different activities to promote their emotional, spiritual, social and moral development. We also aim to increase children’s awareness of other world histories and subsequently teach a respect and understanding of what it means to be a positive, kind well-rounded individual in 21st century Britain.


Within history, children will become proficient at historiography and develop an inquisitiveness about the past through analysing and discussing a range of primary and secondary sources. Children will be provided with opportunities to examine pictures or artefacts from historical periods, to understand how life has evolved at a local and global level, to conduct historical investigations, to understand the chronology of history and appreciate significant people from the past. Students will also develop enquiry, presentation and ICT skills whereby they will learn how to present their conclusions in the most appropriate way with regards to evidence. 


Significantly, we encourage our children to transfer our school values of faith, love, kindness and respect into all of our learning activities to create a positive attitude towards learning and to their peers. Similarly, our core concept of the British values and our responsibilities to the wider community are further instilled into our students throughout our history curriculum.



We provide challenging and enjoyable learning through our fantastic, immersive Cornerstones Curriculum that is designed and adapted to meet the needs of all pupils at the school. A strong emphasis is placed on personal development, positive interactions and an optimistic mindset across all history lessons to ensure that all children enjoy learning and attain well. History is taught throughout a series of topics across year groups following the national curriculum guidance to ensure a broad and balanced coverage of all objectives.


Every history lesson taught within school is assessed rigorously to monitor children’s progression. All lessons will contain an accessible challenge for the children to complete to extend and expand upon their main learning. Furthermore, children will have the chance to demonstrate what they have learnt within their lesson with an 'Assessment For Learning' task at the end of their work. Holiday homework will include activities that encourage engagement with the past.


When a new historical period is being learned about, children are introduced to subject-specific vocabulary through knowledge organisers that are scaffolds to support the retention of new facts and entice the curiosity of the pupils. The knowledge organisers also aid retrieval practice, home learning and highlight overarching themes or information that the children need to know in order to aid their learning. 



We ensure that our history curriculum is progressive, accessible, and memorable to enable children to have faith in their own success, develop fundamental historiographical skills that they can apply to a range of contexts. Our exciting history curriculum encourages good progress and attainment in line with or above other children nationally. History invites children to learn about the past and entices their curiosity in places, cultures and influential people that fosters a respect for diversity and a supportiveness and inclusiveness of others. Our happy, caring and confident students will be resilient and ready for any challenges. that the next stage of their learning will throw at them.

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I am the vine and you are the branches

-John 15

