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St John's

Church of England Infant School

'Through Faith, Love, Kindness and Respect our Saint John's family will flourish and grow.'










Help us to help your child secure successful attainment whilst at school and a good career when they leave.

Homework consolidates work already completed in class. It prepares pupils for future work to come and it is an expected aspect of all children's school life.


Each night we ask that parents do the following with their child:

Listen to them read and ask them questions about the book or the book to them yourself (5 mins)

Help children to practise the spellings they will bring home from their Read, Write Inc group (5 mins)

Help them to count in 1s, 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s (5 mins)- ask their teacher which is age appropriate


On a Friday your child will bring home some maths /literacy task work. Help them to complete it over the weekend and bring it back to school the following week. (15mins)


During the holidays we provide a fun collaborative pick n mix set of activities for all the family to join in with. It involves visits to landmarks in the local area, physical tasks and mental well-being work.


If you wish for your child to do extra homework (and many parents do) - get them to learn some parts of their class knowledge organiser off by heart, to complete the challenge tasks on their weekend homework or to complete the curriculum challenge work that can be contributed to over a whole term and then brought in at the end. We give out prizes for the best of these but they have to be extremely good!


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I am the vine and you are the branches

-John 15

