Butterfly Class YR
Through faith, love, kindness and respect our St John's family will flourish and grow.
Welcome to Butterfly Class
Our Teachers are Miss Stanley (Mon- Wed) and Miss Morrison (Thurs- Fri)
Teacher Email addresses:
We are a class of YR children
In the early weeks and months, the children will be busy getting to know each other, exploring the environment, and learning how to use the different areas and resources appropriately. During this time please be aware that your child may get messy! Lots of the activities that are available are exciting and new, this means it will take time to learn how to use resources responsibly and for their intended purpose. While we aim to keep everyone as neat and tidy as they arrived by providing protection like aprons, often curiosity, newfound independence and being introduced to new learning opportunities gets the better of us!
Please ensure that all items of clothing are labelled, including PE kits and items like vests. We will aim to collect any 'lost property' and have it available for you to look through at the end of the day.
Eventually the children will work in small adult led groups throughout the morning for phonics and math learning while the rest of the class work independently. This may sometimes be a focused activity that builds on the new skill that has been previously taught or Child Led activities, across both the classroom and the outside area, where their skills and independence will continue to grow.
Term 3 our topic is 'Dangerous Dinosaurs'
We will have lots of fun this term learning all about 'Dangerous Dinosaurs'. We will find out about prehistoric animals that lived on Earth. We will learn facts about dinosaurs and discover how big some of these giant creatures were. We will learn about the difference between carnivores and herbivores and also find out about the animals that lived after the dinosaurs and which modern-day animals have prehistoric relatives.
Our Learning
Our teachers use the EYFS curriculum for our planning, and we base our learning around what we are interested in, what motivates us and we learn about others through the many special celebrations that are significant to us and our families.
We learn to read and write using the Read, Write, Inc. phonics programme. Parents can find out more here: Read, Write Inc.
Literacy is very important to us, and reading and writing are school priorities this year. We love sharing and talking about stories, and developing our writing skills through a wide range of mark-making opportunities.
Our Mathematics curriculum focuses on number, and shape, space and measure. We use some elements from the White Rose program. Our work is mostly practical, but we are also encouraged to record our own mathematical thinking in various ways.
We follow 'Understanding Christianity', a Religious Education programme from the Rochester Diocese. You can find more information on the R.E. page.
We follow the Greenacre Sports Partnership P.E. curriculum.
- P.E. is on a Wednesday.
We begin by becoming more responsible for our belongings, keeping it simple to begin with by removing our shoes and socks. As the year progresses we will bring a full PE kit to school and get changed in class. It is very important that our clothes are named as items can get muddled, even when we try our best to keep them tidy!
- We will notify you when we are going to start changing into our full PE kit.
- We need to wear a white T-shirt, plain, dark shorts and plimsolls or trainers.
- When it is cold outside we can keep warm with a pair of plain, dark tracksuit bottoms or leggings and our school jumper.
- We need to tie our hair back and take off any jewellery before we come to school.
- We cover newly pierced earrings with tape. Parents must put this on at home before we come to school.
We follow the 4 school golden rules that every class in the school tries to follow.
We show love and play nicely with everybody in our school family
We speak with kindness at all times
We have faith and work hard so that tricky things get easier for us
We show respect by listening well
We have a traffic light system in class, where ‘Green to Go’ is rewarded, and yellow, amber and red behaviour result in clearly defined consequences. If we move our face to yellow, we miss five minutes of our playtime. If we move our face to red, we will go to another class.
- Individuals are rewarded in class with stickers for great work or participation in activities.
- Teamwork is something that we like to encourage within our class and we enjoy working hard in our class to earn different things. Once we get 10 emojis in our jar we get a reward within our class.
- Individuals are chosen each week to go in the school praise book and names will be read out in celebration worship on a Friday. The three categories for the praise book are: Green to Go Star, Maths Star and Literacy Star.
- You may even receive a text message to tell you if we have done something wonderful.
- In every lesson, our teachers encourage us to deepen our learning through exciting challenges.
- We will send out books for the children to read with you at home.
- Homework activities will be set every Friday. This will either be a literacy task or a numeracy task. We ask that this is completed by the following Friday.
- Letter writing and number writing practice on alternate nights.
Partnership Power
- We have an informal open door policy in reception class
- You can speak to our teachers in the mornings, or after school when all of the children have been seen off safely.
- If these times are not convenient, you can phone the school office (01634 844135) and request that the teacher phones you back to arrange a mutually convenient time to meet. Or you can write a note and send it in your child's book bag.
- Alternatively please feel free to email us - see details at the top of this page.