Term 3A
Ready, Steady, Grow!
The children have really enjoyed learning all about how different things grow! In Butterfly Class we have had lots of fun learning about the life cycles of different animals and plants. We learnt where butterflies come from and even had our own catterpillars in the classroom. We all had a great time learning about the life cycle of plants, we even had the oppertunity to plant our own cress seeds. We had some great conversations about animals and their baby names, we all chose one animal to draw and write about in our books.
In Maths, we have been learning about numbers beyond 10. We learnt how to find one more and one less than and practised our counting skills. Learning about positional language was great fun! We created our own Butterfly class bus and described where the children were standing. We also learnt about how to add more- we used lots of different manipulatives to help us solve different sums. Taking away was just as fun- we used number lines to help us take numbers away and find the total.