St John's and MAST safeguarding policies
- MAST and St Johns Safeguarding policy 2024-25.pdf
- MAST Online Safety Policy September 2024-25.pdf
- MAST safer recruitment policy 2024-25.pdf
- MAST peer on peer abuse policy 2024-25.pdf
- MAST electronic-device-staff-safeguarding-agreement.pdf
- MAST pupils acceptable use agreement.pdf
- MAST parents acceptable use agreement.pdf
- MAST staff acceptable use agreement.pdf
- MAST Low-level_Safeguarding Concerns Policy.pdf
- MAST and St John's-children_missing-from-education-policy.pdf
Other important St John's policies
- St John's Attendance Policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John SEND Information Report 2024-2025.pdf
- St Johns SEND school policy Sep 2024-25.pdf
- st-johns-pastoral-care-school-policy 2024-25.pdf
- St Johns Behaviour and exclusions Policy 2024-25 pdf
- St John's Accessibility Policy and Plan 2024-25.pdf
- St John's Anti-Bullying Policy 2024-2 5pdf
- St Johns staff code of conduct policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John's Induction Policy and checklist 2024-25.pdf
- St John's Freedom of Information Policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John's First Aid Procedures & Administering Medicines Policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John's supporting students-with-medical-needs-policy-2024-25.pdf
- St John's Health & Safety Policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John's admissions policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John's RSHE policy 2024-25.pdf
- St John's Equality Diversity and Inclusion Policy.pdf
Medway Anglican School's Trust documents and funding agreements
- MAST Charging & Remissions Policy.pdf
- MAST Whistleblowing Policy.pdf
- MAST Gifts & Hospitality Policy.pdf
- MAST Management of Risk Policy.pdf
- MAST Pooling Policy.pdf
- MAST PSED policy.pdf
- MAST Public Sector Equality of Duty Policy.pdf
- mast-privacy-notice-staff-pdf
- mast-privacy-notice-parents-.pdf
- mast-privacy-notice-governors-.pdf
- mast-trustees-report.pdf
- mast-financial-regulations-manual.pdf
- MAST-sfa.pdf
- MAST-church-agreement.pdf
- MAST-funding-agreement.pdf
- MAST finance statement 18-19pdf
- 0962MAST finance statement 1718-finstat.pdf
- MAST finance statement 2019-20.pdf
- MAST finance statementt-2020-2021.pdf
- mast-complaints-policy-and-procedure.docx.pdf
- mast-data-protection-policy.pdf
- MAST filtering-and-monitoring-standards policy.pdf
- MAST Attendance Policy 2024-25.pdf