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St John's

Church of England Infant School

'Through Faith, Love, Kindness and Respect our Saint John's family will flourish and grow.'









meet the teacher session dates

Tuesday 12th September 2023


Dear Parents

Now that the children have all settled in, I can welcome you, as their adults, back to another school year.


Let me introduce myself. My name is Miss Strachan and I am the Executive Headteacher at both St Johns and All Saints. I am sure I have spoken with most of you already at the school gate in the morning or afternoon….but if not – just stop me for a chat. I promise I won’t bite!


I am really excited to be working with the children, staff and yourselves in this lovely little school and to watching all of our school family flourish and grow.


There are other staffing changes to inform you about at the start of this new school year and these will all be included in our termly St Johns newsletter which will be sent home to you soon.


This term it is a time of new beginings. We have new children in the school, new staff to work with them and of course an exciting new set of curriculum topics for the children to work through.


We are holding some meet the teacher sessions for parents to pop along to next week before they collect their children from school at the end of the day. During these sessions each class teacher will tell you about the learning that your child will take part in this year and you will have the chance to ask them any questions that you may have. (Please note this is not a time where you meet with the teacher 1:1. That will happen at parents evenings which are due to take place later in the year).


  • Butterflies session will take place with Miss Jenner on Tuesday 19th Sept 2.45 - 3.10pm
  • Owls session will take place with Mrs Brown on Thursday 21st Sept 2.45- 3.10pm


I also need to clarify with you what should happen on PE days when our pupils are in school. We want the children to bring in their PE kit and change into it in their classroom. This will teach them more independence and although it may initially take them a long time to do, like all things- the more they practise changing themselves the quicker they will get. (Please feel free to teach them how they should do this when they are changing at home. Make a game out of it and time them/race them just for fun).


Both classes have PE on a Monday and children can come home wearing their PE kit – but please remember to take their school uniform home with you at the end of the day otherwise they may be short of clothes to wear for Tuesday.


St Johns IS a little school with a very big heart, right in the middle of an urban town. That’s its charm. However we do still have a few spaces available to take us up to our maximum of 60 this school year. If you know of someone whose child needs a place – get them to give us a call.


Look out for our first newsletter soon and we look forward to working together so every child can achieve their potential.


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I am the vine and you are the branches

-John 15

