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St John's

Church of England Infant School

'Through Faith, Love, Kindness and Respect our Saint John's family will flourish and grow.'









Squirrel class



This term, the children in Year 1 have been on a delightful journey exploring childhood, comparing life today with that of the 1950s. In history lessons, we examined the toys, homes, and jobs from the 1950s and discussed how these aspects have transformed over time. The highlight of our topic was a wonderful workshop where a guest from the Guildhall Museum joined us. The children dressed up as Kings and Queens and discovered the various jobs that children in the Victorian era undertook to support their families, which was both enlightening and fun!

Switching gears to Geography, the children explored the countries in the United Kingdom and the surrounding seas. They became quite adept at identifying the world’s continents and seas and got hands-on with local maps, even drawing their own imaginative maps complete with keys to highlight important locations.

In Science, we nurtured our budding scientists by investigating which materials would be the best for making an umbrella, considering both natural and human-made resources. Additionally, the children dived into the fascinating world of the five senses and related body parts.

To top it all off, our Art sessions were bursting with creativity! The children made a vibrant colour wheel using primary colours, mixed them to create secondary shades, and crafted lovely paintings. They also enjoyed drawing self-portraits, using small mirrors to capture their unique facial features. What a productive term it has been!

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I am the vine and you are the branches

-John 15

